Safe Spaces aims to help people in the games industry to meet and make meaningful connections with their peers in moderated private groups. Groups of up to 6 and a moderator will meet up virtually for an hour session through Zoom once every two months to exchange ideas, share solutions and learn from one another.





To create safe and inclusive environments to help people build their own networks and support structures across the games industry.




Casual - groups meet once every two months for 6 months via Zoom, at the convenience of the group members. If groups feel there is a need to increase meetup sessions, they may do so with commitment and support by respective moderators.


Common Interest - groups are organised based on their common interests and areas of expertise.


Quality Conversations - group members are charged with developing thoughtful agendas for their meetings.




As a member, here are some key questions when participating in group discussions:


● What do I hope to achieve out of being a part of this group? What are the areas that I hope to get support on? 


● Am I open and willing to provide deep context about my problems and vulnerabilities? Will I be willing to share solutions and help to provide support for my group members?



Individual Accountability


Each group member has a responsibility to create a supportive environment that allows everyone to feel comfortable expressing their views without the threat of being ridiculed, ignored or dismissed.


Be Professional


Be respectful and civil. Avoid disrespecting other group members by interrupting when they are talking, or criticising their ideas without providing suggestions. While disagreements are inevitable, it is important not to make it personal. One of the ways we learn is from seeing things from perspectives different from our own. 


Prepare to Speak


Volunteer ideas in a constructive manner. Express your thoughts in clear terms. Allow other members to ask questions if they do not understand. Be brief, add only as much detail as to provide clarity. Break your speech into points and elaborate on these points. Speak only what is relevant to the issue being discussed. If you are someone who doesn’t speak much during meetings, start by summarizing the conversation and build from there. Don’t keep ideas and insights to yourself, express them and add to the team’s success.


Listen and Pay Attention 


Focused listening can influence the quality of speaking. The speaker becomes authentic and expresses exactly what they are feeling. Don’t jump into the conversation, wait for the speaker to finish. You can use a talking stick to slow down the conversation and improve listening. Give the speaker the benefit of the doubt. Don’t assess and judge, just listen.


Be Honest and Transparent


Be willing and open to share ideas, context and data. Your ideas stem from your unique personality and experience. Share them with your group members and add value to the meeting. If there’s a big context clue left out, people may divert to an entirely differing opinion. 

Official registration is closed for the 1st Safe Spaces Series

If you would like to join a Safe Spaces group, please register your preferences here:


Once there are enough signups with similar preferences to form a group,
we will let you know!